Marde Ross
& Company

Daffodils, Peonies, Saffron Crocus, Tulips and Other Flowering Bulbs

Distributor of Flowering Bulbs Since 1985!

Our Flower Bulbs & Seeds

You have found the right place for some of the best and most beautiful flowers for planting in your home or garden. You will also find information on what is best for mild climates for creating beautiful landscapes.

amaryllis naked lady


These easy to grow and care for houseplants can be grown indoors or out with colors ranging from subtle pink to exotic strips, single or double flowering blooms.

peonies pink


These perennials are long-lived, up to 100 years if properly cultivated, and are greatly prized for their beauty, fragrance and trouble-free nature.

daffodils yellow


Of the Narcissus genus, these hardy  perennials continue to multiply year after year and produce blooms that flower annually every spring.

Tulip Blushing Beauty


Considered the ‘Queen of Bulbs’ these bold, flamboyant, extravagant and brightly colored blooms come in many eye-pleasing shapes and forms.

daffodils white

Warm Climate Bulbs

Check out our array of warm weather bulbs that are available and you could be surprised at what flowers might brighten your garden.

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Shop At Our Online Store

Shop our online store for vibrant tulips, daffodils, elegant amaryllis bulbs and more — perfect for brightening your garden or home!

You will find on this site information on my favorite flowers for sale and information on how and when to plant. If you have any questions beyond the scope here, I am always available via email to answer them.

Happy planting! Marde

About Marde Ross & Company

For over forty years, I have been interested in flowers and gardening, so it was only natural that that love would spill over into the business of providing flowering bulbs for last twenty eight years. In the early days I grew cut flowers from seed, cuttings, starts and bulbs. I am intimately familiar with everything I sell. My favorite bulbs, roots, and corms for landscaping and decorative seasonal plantings are offered here on this site. In the mid-80’s, I “introduced” the peony to California because of the kind coverage by Sunset Magazine of my own successes, and offered peonies for sale from the inception of my business. Finding ways to grow peonies and other bulbs in warm climates is now my specialty.

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With Our Special E-Book Products

Don’t believe everything that books and people say about what can and cannot grow in your area – just try out some new ideas! Daffodils and Tulips are grown in Washington state and Daffodils and Narcissi are grown and hybridized in the center coastal area of California. Ranunculus come from Southern California, and I’m growing Peonies one hour north of San Francisco. There are micro climates everywhere that might surprise you.

Planting Flowering Bulbs and Peonies in Warm Climates

Planting Flowering Bulbs & Peonies in Warm Climates

Peonies, Daffodils and Tulips need special care in Warm Climates like California, in order to have good results.

Flowering Bulbs bloom well in warm climates and there is a long blooming season suitable for many different bulbs. In California and other warm areas, special care needs to be taken with those that are not fully adapted like Daffodils, Tulips and Peonies. Certain Daffodils will bloom for years all over California and Peonies can bloom as well, as long as some basic rules are followed. For example, Tulips need refrigeration in order to have a strong showing where it is warm. This E-Book will give you ideas on other types of very rewarding bulbs that you may not have thought of in your area. Many types will need afternoon shade to prolong the bloom.

Price: $9.97

Planting Flowering Bulbs & Peonies in Warm Climates

Peonies, Daffodils and Tulips need special care in Warm Climates like California, in order to have good results.

Flowering Bulbs bloom well in warm climates and there is a long blooming season suitable for many different bulbs. In California and other warm areas, special care needs to be taken with those that are not fully adapted like Daffodils, Tulips and Peonies. Certain Daffodils will bloom for years all over California and Peonies can bloom as well, as long as some basic rules are followed. For example, Tulips need refrigeration in order to have a strong showing where it is warm. This E-Book will give you ideas on other types of very rewarding bulbs that you may not have thought of in your area. Many types will need afternoon shade to prolong the bloom.

Price: $9.97

Planting Flowering Bulbs and Peonies in Warm Climates

Saffron Crocus

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world and one of the oldest and most popular throughout the world! In mild climates and in others with protection, it can be grown successfully for the three orange threads of saffron present in each flower.

Price: $6.97


More About Marde

Marde Gardner Ross
Economics B.A., Stanford University

• London – 1998
• Palo Alto – 2000
• London – 2001
• Glen Ellen – 2008

As the proprietor of Marde Ross & Company, a distributor of flowering bulbs since 1985, I grow peonies and have a private “daffodil hill” in Glen Ellen, California containing over 160,000 daffodils.

When I first began to advertise my bulbs, I learned the art of closeup photography and used those images of beautiful flowers in a simple catalog. My experience in this area has been useful in my travels to every continent photographing flora, landscape, wide expanses and big, wild animals. Today, I consider myself mainly a landscape photographer.

In 1985 in order to provide flower images for my catalog, I began studying photography. I use Nikon 35 mm and medium format Pentax equipment. And in 1997, after years of flower and garden photography, I began taking workshops from British photographers through the British company, Light and Land, and learned landscape photography with them in several European countries and the U.S., India, Hebrides Islands, Scotland as well as Yosemite, Death Valley and the red rocks of Utah and Arizona.

I traveled to Africa and Asia for wildlife, to Churchill, Canada, for polar bears, and Alaska for grizzlies and have been to all seven continents. Specific trips were made to Japan to catch the Japanese maples in Kyoto and to Giverney, France to photograph Monet’s water lilies on an artist’s day.

In 2004, I went to Alaska and Japan, and took Galen Rowell’s last two workshops using film before his untimely death.

In 2006, I began using digital cameras in Antarctica and traveled to national parks in Chile and Argentina and later that year to Peru for a month. We visited Machu Picchu and the Manu preserve in Amazonia. Upon my return, I took digital printing and editing workshops from Stephen Johnson in Pacifica, California. In 2007 I went India for a month. In 2008, India, Nepal and Bhutan were my destinations with my eldest son. I have made frequent visits to Brazil where my youngest son lived for several years.

We Deliver and Ship all over the Country!

Contact Info


Marde Ross & Company
19445 Riverside Drive
Unit 160
Sonoma, Ca 95476


(707) 934-8891  (Warehouse)


Call or email for an appointment

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