Bulbs can be ordered at any time during the year. But delivery is usually from September through January for spring flowering blooms. Spring crocus (which needs pre-chilling) and fall blooming, Crocus Sativus (which does not require chilling) are available.
Crocus Sativus pictured above is a fall blooming, warm climate corm. It blooms 2″ high and is a nice filler around other plants and naturalizes. The red stigmas can be pinched off during the blooming period for use in cooking.
Daffodils arrive in the fall. They can be planted all through the months just short of the spring blooming time. Some narcissus (special hybrids) will start blooming in September and some others every month through April.
Early blooming varieties like February Gold, Trevithian, and Golden Dawn are followed by Ice Follies, Scarlet O’Hara, Dutch Master and latest varieties which are Unsurpassable, Salome, Cheerfulness, Yellow Cheerfulness and Thalia.
Peonies can be ordered at anytime and are usually delivered in the fall, but can be planted into January or later if need be. They can be dug up and moved anytime except while they are blooming.
Tulips are best ordered early so that there is time to refrigerate them for 8 weeks or so. I refrigerate all of my tulips until they are sold or until November/December when customers are ready to plant locally.
Bulbs are really pretty foolproof! Order bulbs today in our store.