Daffodils come in many colors, shapes and sizes. They bloom early, middle and late in the “season” which is compressed in warmer climates and spaced out in colder areas.
Above from the left are yellow trumpet daffodils, Dutch Master, February Gold, Tete a Tete, Unsurpassable, Trevithian, Salome, Ice Follies, Thalia, Cheerfulness, Yellow Cheerfulness, White Lion, Fortune.
Earliest yellow trumpet daffodils are February Gold and Tete a Tete. The medium sized yellow trumpet is Dutch Master blooms next and the latest is the huge Unsurpassable.
Salome, Scarlet O’Hara, Ice Follies, Fortune bloom mid-season along with Trevithian which begins rather early and just keep on blooming. It is a fragrant jonquil type of narcissus.
The latest daffodils to bloom are Thalia, Cheerfulness, and Yellow Cheerfulness. They bloom after the Ice Follies are finished on my hillside and keep the hillside nicely white on the lower sections where they disperse into the trees.
They are all allowed to die back naturally and thus save the energy stored in their foliage to rebloom in following years.