Please tell me which peonies you have enjoyed or admired most over the years, I have my favorites, but once in a while another one takes my eye!
Coral Supreme, Red Charm, Mrs. F.D. Roosevelt are favorites, but this year I was knocked out by Duchess de Nemours which had an extraordinary bloom. Perhaps this peony takes a long time to grow large enough to produce such blooms, but only by looking it up did I figure out what it was!
From time to time, Doreen, a single pink Japanese (large, fluffy center of yellow stamens) has been a favorite as has Mons. Jules Elie. Also, Sarah Bernhardt which has dense pink petals is wonderful as is the sturdy Henry Bockstoce with almost a rose form.
Ivory Victory was spectacular years ago and I’ve located some again. etc. etc.
So, write to me and let me know what you like most and maybe I’ll learn some new varieties!
From left, Coral Supreme (fading), Princess Margaret, Doreen, Mrs. F.D. Roosevelt (several at different stages), Henry Bockstoce, and others.
henry bockstoce big red peony is gorgeous.